It takes all sorts

It takes all sorts

Many years ago I read the story about how a salesman inadvertently created Bassett’s Liquorice Allsorts. I thought at the time what a wonderful story, why don’t they tell it more… 


It goes something like this






Charlie Robertson was getting worried. His pitch wasn’t going well. He had been through almost the entire Bassett’s portfolio of sweets and his potential client hadn’t seemed interested in a single one. 


Exasperated, he turned round to get his last few samples, but in doing so he knocked over a whole range of his jars.


The storekeeper took one look at the resulting higgledy-piggledy mixture of all the different sorts of liquorice-based sweets and much to Charlie’s surprise and great delight, immediately placed a large order for the mix.


The year was 1899 and Bassett’s Liquorice Allsorts were born. Orders are still pouring in.


Well it looks like someone at Bassett’s agrees with me about how good the story is, because it is now on the back of every packet


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